Why I'm Dressing Intentionally
14 January 2025

Why I'm Dressing Intentionally

Healthful Pursuit Podcast

Sharing my journey into dressing with intention and the impact it has had on my confidence, mindset, and faith. From boosting self-esteem to enhancing mental clarity, I explore the profound ways an intentional wardrobe can shape your day and reflect stewardship of the resources and body God has entrusted to you. I also share the practical tool I use to make intentional dressing simple and effective. If you’ve ever wondered how what you wear affects how you feel, think, and present yourself, this episode is for you!


Hosted by Leanne Vogel.


✨ Favorites on Amazon: https://amzn.to/4iFy157


✨ Outfit Formulas (code LEANNE): https://outfitformulas.com/


✨ Personal Color Analysis: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1663238020/personal-color-analysis-custom-color 


✨ Personal Design Support: https://www.instagram.com/taliavalanis/


✨ Coaching and other supports available at: https://shop.healthfulpursuit.com/ 

✨ Podcast Sponsors, links and offers available at: https://www.healthfulpursuit.com/podcast/