Drowning in issues? Afraid of big emotions? Try this simple approach (Pod #650)
19 February 2025

Drowning in issues? Afraid of big emotions? Try this simple approach (Pod #650)

Tapping Q & A - Getting the most out of tapping and EFT

Over the years, so many of my clients and students have told me that two of the biggest obstacles preventing them from sitting down to tap are having too many issues so that they don't know where to start, and the fear that their emotions will be too big to handle when tapping.

It makes total sense that these obstacles make it hard for us to tap because they are both rooted in our subconscious mind's wish to keep us safe.

When it comes to having too many issues, the subconscious mind is worried about us wasting time. It is concerned that we are going to pick the wrong issues or an issue that will not make a big difference. Even though we tap, we aren't doing it in the most useful way. So, in order not to waste our time, we get around to tapping at all.

Where being overwhelmed with emotions is concerned, the subconscious is just trying to keep us safe. It knows how deeply we can feel emotions and it doesn't want to feel the pain of being SUPER emotional.

This week in the podcast, I share a simple way for you to overcome both of these issues so that you can tap in the most useful way and allow healing and transformation to happen.

The process is called the Container Process. Listen to the podcast to learn the process, when it is best used, and follow along with my demonstration. You don't even have to memorise the process, just follow along and tap as I do all the heavy lifting.

This is a process every tapper should know.

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