Famous Indian Personalities - Everyone Should Know About
Famous Indian Personalities - Everyone Should Know About

Famous Indian Personalities - Everyone Should Know About

Chimes Radio

If we ask about the most famous Indian personalities to kids today, a lot of times we may end up hearing the names of some Indian celebrities, film stars, or even businessmen. While these individuals have their own importance, but we all fail to recall the greatest and selfless Indians who have done wonders and re-written the history and future of our mother nation India. 

Famous Indian Personalities is a podcast based on extraordinary people of India that includes names like of Mahatma Gandhi, Sardar Patel, Mother Teresa, Dr. Ambedkar, Sachin Tendulkar, etc. - who have done extraordinary service to our nation and society at large, with some even coming from not so privileged or wealthy backgrounds. The show gets together all those popular Indians who made India a better place today. It is extremely important for every Indian to know about these greatest Indians and to look up to as a source of inspiration. 

The unique feature of this podcast is the lesser known and rare references of each personality- be it their childhood, education, adult life, or the trigger point in their life. Tune into the podcast to listen to the stories of such important and famous Indian personalities is likely going to leave a positive impression on the minds and hearts of everyone, thereby bringing all closer to Indian history, our culture, and our Indian values.

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