Ep. 17 - Yehuda Kasierer (Director of Bikur Cholim of Lakewood)
07 August 2023

Ep. 17 - Yehuda Kasierer (Director of Bikur Cholim of Lakewood)

The Unique Perspective Show


The name Rabbi Yehuda Kasierer is synonymous with Chessed. He is the Director of Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim of Lakewood NJ, as well as the head of the Friendship House Network. But his reach is much greater than just Lakewood.

Throughout the ongoing transformation of Lakewood and the greater Jewish community, the heart of Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim and Rabbi Kasierer never changes. Their goal is deceptively simple: to help whoever they can, whenever they can, however they can, and wherever they can.

Whether you are in Lakewood, Brooklyn, New York City, Rochester, Minnesota and everywhere in between Rabbi Kasierer, the Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim organization, and the Friendship House Network are there for you and just phone call away.