"Learn by doing." by Tiny Morbid Andrea
06 March 2020

"Learn by doing." by Tiny Morbid Andrea

Tiny Morbid Fantasies


Good evening. I hope this Friday finds thee well. Here is a fresh new writing prompt for you.

We have plug time where we go on about a new podcast we are listening to. This week its-Your Princess is Problematic. Check them out. Tell them TMF sent you. J/k don't do that. It'd be awkward since we don't actually know them.

We also have What's the tea with news about our communi-tea. (Yes we like puns) We now have merch at Threadless with designs created by Tiny Morbid Andrea and we also started a Patreon. 

As always thank you for listening.

Send us your story for the prompt "Learn by doing." and we'll feature it on an upcoming listener episode.

As always if you want to reach us send an email to Tinymorbidfantasies@gmail.com or reach out on social media on twitter @tinymorbid or Instagram @Tinymorbidfantasies. We don't bite!