S18 Ep48: Ghostly girls, alien abduction and skinny, silver men - Tales from the Road II (Sn. 18 Ep. 48)
25 March 2025

S18 Ep48: Ghostly girls, alien abduction and skinny, silver men - Tales from the Road II (Sn. 18 Ep. 48)

Monsters Among Us

Tonight we bring you more terrifying tales from the road. Buckle up, it's sure to be a spooky ride.

Season 18 Episode 48 of Monsters Among Us Podcast, true paranormal stories of ghosts, cryptids, UFOs and more, told by the witnesses themselves.


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Tonight's Sponsor - The Order of the Thinned Veil - A year-long Halloween experience brought to you by Sam Heimer and Jason McKittrick of Cryptocurium! A tiered style of membership, 4 levels, each with their own set of perks like exclusive illustrations, sculptures, a newsletter, certificates and contests! Keep the Halloween spirit alive all year round, learn more at https://www.cryptocurium.com/otv/

The Order of the Thinned Veil on IG - https://www.instagram.com/orderofthethinnedveil/

Sam Heimer on IG - https://www.instagram.com/sam_heimer/

Cryptocurium on IG - https://instagram.com/the_cryptocurium

MAU Merch Shop - https://www.monstersamonguspodcast.com/shop

Watch FREE - Shadows in the Desert: High Strangeness in the Borrego Triangle  - https://www.borregotriangle.com/

Monsters Among Us Junior on Apple Podcasts  - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/monsters-among-us-junior/id1764989478

Monsters Among Us Junior on Spotify -


Silver skinned being in WA - https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2025/03/silver-colored-robotic-like-entity.html

Silver skinned being in BC - https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2018/04/daily-2-cents-silver-skinned-humanoid.html

Silver Skinned being found in mi - https://www.phantomsandmonsters.com/2018/04/daily-2-cents-silver-skinned-humanoid.html

Music from tonight's episode:

Music by Iron Cthulhu Apocalypse - https://www.youtube.com/c/IronCthulhuApocalypse

CO.AG Music - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcavSftXHgxLBWwLDm_bNvA

Music by White Bat Audio - https://www.youtube.com/@WhiteBatAudio

White Bat Audio Songs:



Synthetic Dreams
