Album Tournament Re-Release Round 15 - Led Zeppelin Vs Prince
18 September 2023

Album Tournament Re-Release Round 15 - Led Zeppelin Vs Prince

Infectious Groove Podcast

It's back! We are doing our first ever re-release of a very popular series of episodes from our past. Join Michelle, Kyle & Russ as we rip through a very exciting album tournament. Kyle picked 8 albums for the tournament and so did Russ, bringing the grand total of albums to 16. Each week, Kyle & Russ state their case for why they're cjosen album should win, then Michelle picked the winner.

Some music giants are among those chosen for battle: Aerosmith, Beach Boys, Carole King, Eminem, Fleetwood Mac, Garth Brooks, Guns N' Roses, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Michael Jackson, Pearl Jam, Pink Floyd, Prince, Silversun Pickups, The Weeknd and more square up over the course of the tournament.

Settle in, listen up and check out these bonus episodes over 16 weeks! It's the first re-release, trip down memory lane with your favorite podcast, the Infectious Grove Podcast!