240 - Latricia White and Lee & Chance Wackerhagen
05 May 2024

240 - Latricia White and Lee & Chance Wackerhagen

Trace Evidence

Two days after Christmas of 1993, thirty-eight year old nurse and mother of two, Latricia White failed to show up for work.  Hours later, her father went to her home and was devastated to find her lifeless body lying in bed.  It would later be determined she had been shot multiple times in the head as she slept.

Investigators soon learned of Lee Wackerhagen, Latricia's live in boyfriend, who was nowhere to be found.  Not only was Lee missing, but so was his nine year old son, Chance.  Days later, Lee's abandoned truck was found in east Austin, the bed smeared with blood.  It didn't take long for detectives to determine Wackerhagen had killed Latricia and fled, abducting his son in the process.

For twenty long years that is exactly as the case remained until a cold case investigator with the Texas Rangers found several problems with the original investigation. In 2016, the Texas Department of Public Safety officially announced they now believed that Lee and Chance were both victims of foul play, likely at the hand of Latricia's killer.

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