A Chat With .satya.
08 August 2022

A Chat With .satya.

Pop Music For Smart People


On this special episode of Pop Music For Smart People I had the pleasure of chatting with Satya Chavez who goes by the artist name .satya. We got to chat about her life and beginnings in music including her background and career in musical theater. We also discussed her single "Burn" which I featured on my Countdown Of Queer Bops episode because it is an absolute banger!! We also got to chat about Encanto first of all because we both love that movie and seondly because Satya did a live looped mashup of every song from the movie and it is amazing!! You can see that on her TikTok or her Youtube channel both linked below. She also writes, produces and acts in several musical theater shows and has some coming up in the Chicago area and around the country. you can find tickets to these at her website which is also linked below. Satya thank you so much for coming on the show it was a pleasure chatting with you! Cant't wait to hear the music you are gonna producein the future!

Satya Links

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/satyachachachale/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@escuchala.satya

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3X9slgxCZKEftZ-qAcOH2Q

Website: https://www.satyachavez.com/

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6hMTKvQ47WgammoMShMnGh?si=cEu-uVnZTzWZemfBG6BLYw