Ertwert the Longie
02 November 2021

Ertwert the Longie

Failed State - NoGo Sweden

In 2017 one head of security police recieved a phone call, that call would later come to show that the caller had not only prevented an terror-attack on his own capital city, but of 7 other plots within the western world was un-covered too. That caller years later, after an insane conflict with the same radicals and extremists in the largest of nogo zones of Sweden - an of Europe. Combined by 6 whole labaled nogo areas. Edward later became this callers head of sec detail withtin the intel.

All countries were visited during the summer of 2020, before the caller jumped it due to severe traumatization and recovery. All six areas and their immigrant populated areas foremost got a history told of the country they lived in, as the caller entered it. Told, in a way you probably never heard it prior to this...

In this ep. about the U.K Edwards late lare grandfather ErtWert the first and final were being used, together with his director, Mrs Jade Brauer.