Most Beautiful Child In The World (दुनिया का सबसे खूबसूरत बच्चा)
21 May 2020

Most Beautiful Child In The World (दुनिया का सबसे खूबसूरत बच्चा)

Akbar Birbal Stories- Hindi Moral Tales


King Akbar’s son was complemented for his beauty by everyone in the court. Akbar also agreed to the fact that his son was the most beautiful child in the world but Birbal did not agree to it completely. According to Birbal, Akbar’s son was definitely beautiful but not the most beautiful child in the whole world. Furious, Akbar challenged Birbal to bring to him a child who was more beautiful than his son and prove him wrong. The next day Birbal took Akbar to a place in disguise of a common man to make him meet with the most beautiful child in the world. That was when Akbar understood the true meaning of a beautiful child.

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