The Power of Patience: Shelly Sood’s Story of Overcoming Mental Illness
02 August 2022

The Power of Patience: Shelly Sood’s Story of Overcoming Mental Illness

The #SpeakEasy Podcast


A wife and mother of three overcomes incredible odds to save her husband's life and starts a healthcare company as a result. In this episode, you will learn: 1. How can you tell if someone is driven by their ego or by their heart?
2. What are the benefits of therapy for mental health?
3. How can you be an advocate for seeking out counseling and sticking with it?

"I proved to myself that I was strong enough and capable enough to beat the odds and not listen to all these other people that were telling me it's a lost cost because I can't even tell you how many times I really heard that."

Shelly Sood is a wife, mother of three, entrepreneur, author, and mental health advocate. She is also the co-founder of a healthcare company.

This is Shelly Sood's story...

Shelley Sood is a wife, mother of three, entrepreneur, author, and mental health advocate. Shelly's husband suffered from bipolar disorder for nearly two decades, and Shelly helped save his life. As a result of helping her husband through his struggle with mental illness, Shelly eventually launched a healthcare company. When asked what allowed her to have the courage to go back and help her husband, Shelly explained that she was driven by her heart, not her ego. She also educated herself on the symptoms of the illness in order to distinguish the illness from her husband's personality. Shelly emphasized the importance of setting boundaries and taking care of oneself while serving as a caretaker for someone else. Starting the business has been a rewarding experience for Shelly,.

In this episode, you will learn the following:
1. How can you tell if someone is driven by their ego or by their heart?
2. What are the benefits of therapy for mental health?
3. How can you be an advocate for seeking out counseling and sticking with it?


Chapter Summaries:
[00:00:01] - The #SpeakEasy podcast has a new episode. Today's guest is Shelly. She shares her experience with entrepreneurship. The episode is about starting a business and elevating the business. Shelley will let the studio audience know a little bit about herself, and then they will dive into the topic.

[00:00:37] - Shelly is a wife, mother of three, entrepreneur, author, and mental health advocate. Her husband suffered from bipolar disorder for nearly two decades and they got back together. Hilary helped save his life and launched a healthcare company. As a result of helping him through this struggle with mental illness,

[00:03:58] - The first step is to educate yourself and talk to experts. The problem with medicine is that it doesn't allow family members to give some of the symptoms and a full picture of what's going on with the patient. It also leads to a lot of misdiagnoses.

[00:05:40] - After her husband came back from treatment, she realized that she was still falling apart. She has been in marital therapy for a long time. She does meditation for 45 minutes to an hour every morning for self-care. Her husband has to accept that she is not a superwoman, and she is human. PTSD is starting to evolve, and people are opening up more and more to it. It provides a neutral third party and an outlet for people to talk about their feelings and not be judged. It's important to make sure that we have that face and to learn the definitions of some of the words.

[00:13:04] - Beverly saved her husband's life by getting him help with bipolar disorder. Now she wants to go into health care and give back to people in society. She doesn't see it as a thorn in her side, as she knows what it takes to get past this point.

[00:15:31] - The pandemic shifted some things. In the counseling industry, psychotherapists are moving from in-person sessions to virtual ones, which is a win for people who had anxiety about going into an office. Psychotherapy takes a lot of time and effort and finding the right therapist can be detrimental to mental health.

[00:19:04] - Listeners. This episode is really important because we've seen many people go through things and they feel like they're all alone. There's always somebody that wants to hear what it is that is going on with you that can help when we think about starting a business. Listen, your mental health is important.

[00:20:33] - Shelly's company is called GEOStar Chicago. And the website is Giostarchicagocom. Shelley's company helps patients with degenerative conditions like arthritis, Crohn's, lung disease, and things like that. Shelley also has a book coming out.

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