Jonny Fry / James Tylee of Digital Bytes by Team Blockchain on Cyber.FM featuring Efi Pylarinou
07 July 2022

Jonny Fry / James Tylee of Digital Bytes by Team Blockchain on Cyber.FM featuring Efi Pylarinou

Team Blockchain Radio


Welcome to this week's Digital Bytes which analysis on the following topics:

Job opportunities for people who wish to work in the blockchain industry - growth in the blockchain industry has been at its the highest over the last couple of years, with blockchain technology bringing new life to other industries as it solves their problems. For those already in the industry this is great news but for those who are not and wish to join, they still have to figure out what jobs and roles are available for them in this industry.

Blockchain's impact on the FX market - the FX market is huge, with over $6trillion worth of trades a day being executed. The systems and procedures to communicate and settle trades globally have remained the same since the 1970s but are now on a change of path. Blockchain technology is at the heart of many of these changes and as we see a growing use of digital currencies, such as stablecoins and CBDCs, could we see regulators actively encourage FX firms to embrace blockchain technology?

DeFi: from niche to mainstream - DeFi has risen from simply servicing holders of cryptos, since it has now begun catering for other asset classes as it potentially goes mainstream. DeFi offers the possibility to reduce cost, automate compliance, increase efficiency, improve transparency and make financial markets more inclusive, and thus turbo-charge open banking initiatives by bringing in greater competition and choice for investors.

Slaying the myth of Bitcoin scarcity - the amount and variety of Bitcoin IOUs and the opaqueness of the collateral used in the mushrooming 24/7 trading venues has resulted in an extremely fragile crypto market. The reality is that Defi and traditional derivative wrappers have slayed Bitcoin scarcity. This messy meltdown and reputational hit are an opportunity for an innovative solution (which is outlined in the end of this article).