Jonny Fry / James Tylee of Digital Bytes by Team Blockchain on Cyber.FM featuring Dave Shastri, Chief Strategy Officer, Truss Edge
21 July 2022

Jonny Fry / James Tylee of Digital Bytes by Team Blockchain on Cyber.FM featuring Dave Shastri, Chief Strategy Officer, Truss Edge

Team Blockchain Radio


Welcome to this week’s Digital Bytes which as articles on the following topics:

Blockchain and mutual funds: the choice is about to explode - increasingly, investors have access to blockchain technology either by investing in firms which are actively engaged with the technology or by purchasing digitised mutual funds. The use of blockchain technology that powers much of the crypto industry is potentially set to challenge and have a far greater impact on the asset management industry than cryptos ever will. Therefore, your savings and pensions will also be impacted, although many mutual fund holders will not even realise it.

Blockchain in the medical industry - the principle on which blockchain technology functions is very straightforward and constantly evolving, increasing the network of blocks that adapt to industries’ needs and specific characteristics. Alongside being a catalyst for utmost accountability, its accurate, secure, and tamper-resistant nature makes it seemingly impossible to mimic, falsify or manipulate data. Blockchain has unlimited benefits in the medical industry, bringing improvements to different healthcare actors.

Blockchain technology: its impact on the legal profession - the introduction and use of any technology in the legal sector is at risk of being a slow process since lawyers are inherently cautious and reluctant to change - they know only too well the potential legal and financial implications involved. Blockchain technology is creating considerable legal work for lawyers from those organisations involved with NFTs, the metaverse, digitisation of equities, debt instruments, mutual funds, real estate etc. Furthermore, the technology is being used in the form of holding, sharing and storing data as well as smart contracts, all offering the proposition of automating but certainly not replacing lawyers.

Cryptocurrency volatility provides an incentive for robust regulatory framework - different jurisdictions have taken a variety of approaches when it comes to regulating cryptocurrencies. Despite the recent falls in cryptocurrency markets, there is still institutions' interest in this asset class. However, in order to achieve largescale crypto adoption by institutions, clarity around how cryptos are regulated is required.