Issue 194 - Thunderbolt Ross
12 February 2025

Issue 194 - Thunderbolt Ross

Capes On the Couch - Where Comics Get Counseling


 Issue 194 - Thunderbolt Ross


      Captain America: Brave New World reaction coming to Patreon

    Background (1:38)

      General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby in The Incredible Hulk #1 (May 1962)

      Lieutenant General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross oversees gamma bomb project that ultimately leads to the creation of the Hulk (Bruce Banner)

      Grew up in a military family, and was focused on serving his country from a young age - joined the Army Air Corps (later Air Force) and worked his way up through the ranks

      Bruce’s growing relationship with Ross’ daughter Betty was a source of frustration and anger for him, as was the recurring nuisance of the Hulk - Ross made it his personal mission to find and destroy the Hulk

      Several times he allied with villains to battle the Hulk, which ultimately led to his dismissal from the military

      Betty and Bruce get engaged, but the Leader turns Hulk savage, and the wedding is called off - Betty later marries Glenn Talbot, and Ross is satisfied that Banner will never be his son-in-law

      When Talbot was captured by the Soviets in a rescue mission to save Ross, his apparent death fractured his relationship with Betty, as well as a demotion at work because of his inability to capture the Hulk

      Betty divorced Talbot and revealed she still loved Bruce - enraged by this, Ross allied with MODOK to have the Abomination kill the Hulk, but Betty caught wind of the plan and accused her father of treason - he was discharged from the Air Force and nearly committed suicide

      When Bruce and Betty get married, Ross shows up at the wedding with a gun to stop the ceremony - Rick Jones intervenes and is shot non-fatally

      In a SHIELD experiment he merges with Zzzax, a being of sentient electrical energy - in a battle with a mutant, he expends his energy to save Betty, and dies

      His body was resurrected by the Leader, and he rejoins the Air Force

      After Betty is killed by the Abomination and Hulk is exiled by the Illuminati, Ross sinks into an alcoholic depression - when Steve Rogers is shot, he is visited by MODOK and the Leader and offered a chance to gain Hulk-like powers - he then becomes Red Hulk, and his first act is to kill the Abomination for murdering Betty

      Ross’ identity as the Hulk is kept secret for over two years before being revealed during World War Hulks

      He later joins the Avengers, where he befriended an LMD named Annie that helped give him some perspective and understanding about things

      Temporarily bonds with both the Venom symbiote and the Spirit of Vengeance, becoming a being known as the Circle of Four - this is to defeat Blackheart, son of Mephisto

      Gets depowered by Doc Green, a super-intelligent version of the Hulk

    Issues - Theme is “a small river flowing long enough becomes a canyon” (7:10)

      When tradition becomes a trap

      Overprotective of his daughter (13:44)

      Oh yeah, the Hulk stuff (25:15)

    Break (29:06)

      Plugs for Play Comics & Geek Peak

    Treatment (30:19)

      In-universe - 

      Out of universe - (32:37)

    Skit (39:51)

      Hello General Ross, I’m Dr. Issues. - Doctor, with all due respect, let’s set the record straight. I didn’t come here for treatment. I came here for a clean bill of health. I’ve been involved in enough government missions, secret protocols, and super-powered expeditions that I should be the last one to hide from any flaws. I’m not perfect, but I don’t have to be. And that was before I learned about getting red in the face.

      Well, that is a hot start, General -I don’t do jokes, if you don’t mind. There are serious matters at hand.

      But you…I’ll keep that in mind. Sheesh. There are always serious matters at hand. That’s how the world works. That doesn’t mean they all have to involve you. -Agreed. I pick my spots. But those are enormous spots. I know my enemy better than they know themselves. That’s what’s lacking in battles nowadays. The foe has no concept of planning. So many people think being random makes you dangerous. It just makes you a fool.

      Well, not to sound condescending, but I doubt all of your plans go the way you want them to. -A plan is useless. PLANNING is indispensable. Do you know who said that?

      Dwight Eisenhower. So you enjoy the process necessary to reach goals, and not just the goal itself. -If I didn’t then I would have stopped existing a long time ago. I think people get that wrong about me. They think I’m some madman that wants to destroy the Hulk at all costs.

      And that was wrong…how? -I was never a madman. I’m calculating the whole way through.

      The heat thing says otherwise -Emotion in battle, Doctor. It’s something you can’t wrap your head around. Oh yeah, I get the rage, but in the fog of war, that can be the guide to see you through. No hippie woo woo love fest is going to save you when bullets are zipping and bombs are dropping. The only time you bring in God is to say “Thank God it’s over” and you’ve won.

      You present more demure than expected. -You sound like one of those Gen Z types when you say that. You’re a grown man. Act like it.

      So no social media memes; understood sir. But are you really past everything that’s listed in your file? Banner? Betty? Intelligencia? Avengers? It says here your own likeness was killed! None of that sounds traumatic to you? -Of course it does. So what? We all have trauma. I used to let it eat at me, just shove it down my own throat, and let it all come out when the time is right. But with what I have now, there’s no secrets. It’s on my skin, in my veins, and radiating through the air. I finally found a way to have nothing to hide. My choices, my fights, my consequences. Anything to add to that?

      You’re hitting the same note. What brings you enjoyment? How about sadness? Do you have any fears left? -You’re breaking the cardinal rule; you’re supposed to ask one question at a time. I’m sad that too many people think too small for their entire lives. I find joy in being one of the few living creatures to destroy multiple so-called badasses because I can adjust tactically and not be held down by magical thinking. I fear that anything less than a perfect rating in this assessment will leave me with a permanent mark that will have me use your office as a rage room. 

      *pause* Didn’t you shoot someone at your daughter’s wed -*interrupting* RAGE. ROOM. 

      You don’t have to be so pushy about it. -So, are you slapping the PTSD label on like everyone else?

      No, I’ll think outside the box and go I-G-E-D. -What the hell is that?

      Intermittent Gamma Explosive Disorder -*Groans* Doc Samson was right about you.

    Ending (43:41)

      Recommended reading: World War Hulks

      Next episodes: DerpyCon panel, Colleagues on the Couch w/ Dr. Ashley Zultanky, Shadowman

      Plugs for social & GonnaGeek Network


    Incredible Hulk episode with Popcorn Psychology - Anthony (2:00)

    “Calm Down” by Busta Rhymes & Eminem - Anthony (30:38)

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