Colleagues on the Couch - Dr. Ashley Zultanky
26 February 2025

Colleagues on the Couch - Dr. Ashley Zultanky

Capes On the Couch - Where Comics Get Counseling


We are introducing a brand new subseries on the show, COLLEAGUES ON THE COUCH! We'll be talking with mental health professionals about their experiences in the field. For this debut episode, we're chatting with horse dancer/crack shot/Anthony's cousin Dr. Ashley Zultanky! Come for the family gossip, stay for the breakdown of Captain America!

Colleagues on the Couch - Dr. Ashley Zultanky

      New subseries - we interview MH professionals about their work in the field

      What is your origin story? (What got you interested in mental health?) (3:48)

      What is your superpower? (What is your strength/focus as a MH professional?) (7:24)

      How do you find the balance of what to bring into a session vs what to keep out? (15:14)

      What’s your kryptonite? (biggest complaint about the current MH system) (22:51)

      What’s your Lantern Oath? (a mantra/phrase/thing that keeps you from burning out?) (35:44)

      What’s your greatest nemesis? (not a person, just a personal item that remains an ongoing problem/challenge) (40:22)

      What’s your legacy or superteam? (Who are the people who inspire you, are a part of your sphere of influence, or who you have mentored?) (49:25)

    Act Matrix discussion (53:39)

      Plugs for social & GonnaGeek Network

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