506: Mr. & Mrs. & Mr. & Mrs. Smith
26 July 2024

506: Mr. & Mrs. & Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Mission Rejected

Bowden and Gloria are hunted like animals on while on their honeymoon…and Vice President Chet Phillips is in mid-flight.

Written and Directed by
Pete Barry & J. Michael DeAngelis

Chris Klaniecki as Skip Granger
Nazli Sarpkaya as Mackenzie McGrath
Dave Stanger as Bowden Montcrief
Paige Klaniecki as Gloria Kovak
Faith Dowgin as Section Chief Zelda Anders
Kirk White as Chet Phillips
and Katerina McGrath as The Mission Voice

Also Starring
Ashley Banks as Athena O'Brien
Jean Barry as Quinn Corrino
Jill Ivey as Flo the Waitress and the Chief Justice
and Bob Killion as Bob the Order Grub Driver

Guest Starring
John Dowgin as President Henson
Dave Serfass as Chief of Staff
David S. Dear as Justice of the Peace S. Dear
J. Michael DeAngelis as Fortunato
Eric Werner as Balthazar Montcrief
Erica Werner as Mother Innocent
Suzannah Cerreta as Suzannah
Alexis Sottile as Maria
with Jim Iorio as The Mysterious Man
and Sarah Rhea Werner as Pat

Music, sound editing, and mixing by 
Pete Barry

A complete transcript of this episode can be found here.

Created and Produced by
Pete Barry, J. Michael DeAngelis, and John Dowgin
Associate Producer: Paige Klaniecki

Special thanks to Carmelina Cartei for her invaluable assistance with the Italian language.

For a complete list of credits, visit this episode's webpage.