504: Murder, She Plagiarized
31 May 2024

504: Murder, She Plagiarized

Mission Rejected

An idyllic Maine town is a hotbed of murder…and Secretary of Defense Chet Phillips is testifying before Congress.

Written & Directed by
J. Michael DeAngelis

Chris Klaniecki as Skip Granger
Nazli Sarpkaya as Mackenzie McGrath
Dave Stanger as Bowden Montcrief
Paige Klaniecki as Gloria Kovak
Faith Dowgin as Section Chief Zelda Anders
with Kirk White as Chet Phillips
and Katerina McGrath as The Mission Voice

Also Starring
Ashley Banks as Athena O’Brien
Jill Ivey as Ellie Mae Sederstrom
and Bob Killion as Newscaster Steve and Old Man Murphy

Guest Starring
Marnie Warner as The Speaker of the House
John Dowgin as Congressman Flowers
Sarah Golding as Tess Thatcher
Ed Faver as Sheriff Art Antonelli
Mia Scarpa as Deputy Grace Goodwin
Allison Cossitt as Tammy Townie
Sam Pasco as Tommy Townie
J. Michael DeAngelis as Doc Fisherman
Pete Barry as Kristatos O’Brien and Ted Desoto
Caden Dowgin as Timmy “Two Bit” Thompson
Rebecca Serfass as Lucky

A complete transcript of this episode is available here.

Music, sound editing, and mixing by
Pete Barry

Created and Produced by
Pete Barry, J. Michael DeAngelis, and John Dowgin
Associate Producer: Paige Klaniecki

For a complete list of credits, please see the episode's webpage.