#39: Mastering the Art of Negotiation with Chris Voss
16 May 2022

#39: Mastering the Art of Negotiation with Chris Voss

SPIN IT: Business & Crisis Management with Stephynie Malik


This week on Spin It, Stephynie had the privilege of speaking with former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss.

Prior to becoming the FBI lead international kidnapping negotiator, Chris served as the lead Crisis Negotiator for the New York City Division of the FBI and was a member of the New York City Joint Terrorist Task Force for 14 years. 

On this weeks episode, we’ll take an intimate look into the art of negotiation and its importance in the world of Entrepreneurship and Business. 

We’ll explore his world renowned negotiation tactics and strategies learning how even those who have never negotiated before can start applying them in their lives.

You’ll learn how Chris found a way to masterfully turn obstacles into opportunities for decades and how you too can do the same.



    00:00 - Spin It! Intro
    00:19 - Chris Voss Intro
    00:47 - Introductory Comments
    01:30 - How Chris became an FBI negotiator
    05:24 - Chris' Early Years
    06:11 - When Chris realized he loved Negotiating
    09:23 - How Privilege affects you
    13:43 - Negotiating is Learned
    17:35 - Becoming a better Negotiator
    19:37 - Negotiating in day-to-day life
    25:44 - When to say NO in Negotiating
    28:08 - Tone of Voice when Negotiating
    30:00 - Success Rate in Negotiating
    31:04 - Time is a Valuable Commodity
    36:00 - Tips in Critical Negotiation
    41:35 - Common Mistake in Negotiation
    49:28 - 3 Things to consider in Negotiation
    50:11 - About Blackswan & The Book
    53:10 - How Chris surpassed his Obstacles
    55:06 - Social Media & Important Links
    57:02 - Spin It!


Social Media - 

Instagram: https://instagram.com/thefbinegotiator?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christophervoss

Website: https://www.blackswanltd.com/home