Obama Planned The Judicial Coup, Counterinsurgency Will Stop It In It’s Tracks – Ep. 3603
23 March 2025

Obama Planned The Judicial Coup, Counterinsurgency Will Stop It In It’s Tracks – Ep. 3603

X22 Report


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Canada is small business confidence index is collapsing, is Canada entering a recession, it will only get worse with the tariffs. The D’s don’t know why inflation is getting worse. Elon admits that the US distributes the peoples wealth across the globe, time to remove the Fed. The [DS] planned the insurgency, this is why Obama said to Biden we have time, they were planning to keep Trump admin in limbo for his entire 4 year term. The plan is not working out they way they thought. Trump will move faster and faster to expose the coup and this will help people understand. The counterinsurgency is growing.


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  card… The president thinks we can sell a million.” Lutnick says Trump got the idea to sell a Gold Card during a meeting he had with investor John Paulson. Podcast: All In Podcast


19 Reasons Why The Fed Is At The Heart Of Our Economic Problems

      The Federal Reserve operates in great secrecy  and it acts as if it is not accountable to the American people.   
    #1 The Federal Reserve is the central pillar of our debt-based financial system.
    The way our system is designed, normally no money comes into existence without more debt being created.
    But this creates a huge problem, because when a new dollar is created, the interest that will be owed on that new borrowed dollar is not also created at the same time.

    #2 The Federal Reserve and the bankers have a monopoly on the creation of this debt-based money.
    In the United States today, the only people that can create money are the bankers.
    You cannot create money.
    You would go to jail if you tried.
    Even the U.S. government is not permitted to create money.
    Although the U.S. Constitution specifically gives Congress the power to create money, the U.S. Congress has relinquished that power to the Federal Reserve.
    This gives the Federal Reserve an enormous amount of power.

    #4 The Federal Reserve itself is not a profit-making institution.  Rather, it is a tool that enables others to make obscene amounts of money.
    There are many that think of the Federal Reserve as an evil profit-making machine.  But the truth is that the Fed itself wasn’t designed to make money.  Rather, the system was set up so that others could make an obscene amount of money from all of the debt that the system creates.

    #6 The Federal Reserve system is designed to cause inflation.
    As U.S. government debt expands at an exponential pace, it inevitably causes inflation.
    Most Americans believe that inflation is a fact of life, but the truth is that the United States has only had a major, ongoing problem with inflation since the Federal Reserve was created back in 1913.
    Sadly, the U.S. dollar has lost about 99 percent of its value since the Federal Reserve was created.

    #11 The worse the debt problems caused by the Federal Reserve become, the more money the IRS needs to collect from the rest of us.
    If the U.S. government could issue debt-free money, it is conceivable that we would not even need the IRS.  You doubt this?  Well, the truth is that the United States did just fine for well over a hundred years without a national income tax.  But in the same year the Federal Reserve was created, a national income tax was instituted as well.  The whole idea was that the wealth of the American people would be transferred to the U.S. government by force and then transferred into the hands of the ultra-wealthy in the form of interest payments.

    #12 The Federal Reserve creates artificial financial bubbles.
    When you look back over the last several decades, you will find financial bubble after financial bubble.
    So who created all of those bubbles?
    It was the Federal Reserve.

    #13 The Federal Reserve is anti-free market.
    In a true free market system, the marketplace would determine what interest rates are.
    In a true free market system, the marketplace would determine which financial institutions survive.
    In a true free market system, artificial financial bubbles would be far less likely.
    But we don’t have a true free market system.
    #16 Even though the Federal Reserve has such extraordinary power over the financial system, the American people are not permitted to examine their  books.
    The Federal Reserve claims that it is regularly audited, but when some members of Congress attempted to push through a true comprehensive audit Federal Reserve officials threw a hissy fit.
    The truth is that the Federal Reserve has never undergone a true comprehensive audit since it was created back in 1913.
    Whenever the subject of an audit comes up, the Fed keeps repeating the mantra of how important “the independence of the Federal Reserve” is.
    Sadly, Ron Paul’s proposal to audit the Federal Reserve when he was still a member of Congress ultimately failed.
    Instead, a very limited examination of Fed transactions that occurred during the global financial crisis was approved.
    So what did that limited examination reveal?
    Well, the Federal Reserve was forced to reveal the details of 21,000 transactions stretching from December 2007 to July 2010.  It turns out that the Federal Reserve was just handing out gigantic piles of nearly interest-free cash to their friends at the largest banks, financial institutions and corporations all over the globe.

Source: zerohedge.com




    that I captured photos of in South Africa while they were being used to transport Hunter Biden and his wife, are still in front of Hunter’s villa in Cape Town where security guards from the US Embassy are standing guard, protecting
    . A week ago, I exposed how the
    has been providing a US tax payer funded 18 agent total (6 agents on back up) and 12 agent per day Secret Service detail to
    and his wife Melissa Cohen while they are vacationing in Cape Town, South Africa for 3 months, but I also discovered and confirmed with photographic evidence I gathered that the US State Department, via the US EMBASSY IN PRETORIA, SOUTH AFRICA
    was providing the TAX PAYER FUNDED VEHICLES that Hunter Biden and his wife are using when they go shopping and dining in Cape Town. The vehicles are parked outside their luxury villa and guarded by Security when they are not being driven. I ran the license plates for both vehicles (which I blurred in the water marked photos below) and the plates traced back to AND ARE BOTH REGISTERED TO THE US EMBASSY IN SOUTH AFRICA. I confirmed the address on the registration for both vehicles is the same address as the EMBASSY OF AMERICA, as seen below in the South African vehicle registration database .   One of the vehicles is a Ford SUV, and the other is a Volvo SUV. I can confirm that even as of 1 hour ago, the 2 vehicles ARE STILL BEING USED BY HUNTER BIDEN AND HIS WIFE AND THE VEHICLES ARE BEING DRIVEN BY
    that the use of US Embassy resources and vehicles for Hunter Biden “was over now”. That doesn’t appear to be the case, because the same US Embassy vehicles seen below are still parked outside of Hunter’s villa as I type this. It looks like the US Government is trying to run a fast one on the American people and President
    , because the US State Department is still providing transportation and security to Hunter Biden, as we are paying for it. See the vehicles and the registration below.  
    needs to fire David Greene, the head of the US Embassy in South Africa ASAP. David Greene is a career bureaucrat whose wife, Patricia Tibbetts DONATED TO JOE BIDEN AND KAMALA HARRIS’S presidential campaigns in 2020 and 2024! What the hell is going on at the US State Department, and why are the American people being lied to and still being forced to pay for Hunter Biden’s security? This is a change of hand from Secret Service to
    . I’m not stupid! And the American people aren’t stupid. We are being PISSED on and told it’s raining by the US Government. We need to hear Marco Rubio and President Trump address this egregious abuse of tax payer funds and violation of Trump’s order ASAP!


Trump says he didn’t sign proclamation invoking Alien Enemies Act

    No, President Donald Trump did not sign the Alien Enemies Act of 1798. That law was enacted on July 6, 1798, during the administration of President John Adams, as part of the Alien and Sedition Acts, amid tensions with France. It was signed by Adams, not Trump, over two centuries ago.
    There seems to be confusion stemming from recent events. On March 15, 2025, Trump issued a proclamation invoking the Alien Enemies Act of modern day to target members of the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua for expedited deportation, as reported by outlets like NPR and The New York Times. This action didn’t involve signing a new law but rather activating an existing one. However, later statements from Trump and the White House, as noted in an ABC News article dated March 21, 2025, created some ambiguity. Trump reportedly said he “didn’t sign” anything related to the Act, prompting the White House to clarify that he was referring to not signing the original 1798 legislation—obviously impossible given the timeline—rather than denying the invocation itself.
    The confusion likely arose from miscommunication or misinterpretation. Trump’s March 15 proclamation, titled “Invocation of the Alien Enemies Act Regarding the Invasion of The United States by Tren De Aragua,” explicitly invoked the 1798 law, as published on whitehouse.gov. A federal judge blocked this action hours later on March 15, halting deportations temporarily, per NPR and The Guardian. Despite Trump’s later comment, the White House’s clarification aligns with the documented invocation, not a new signing.
    So, to be clear: Trump didn’t sign the Alien Enemies Act of 1798—John Adams did. Trump did, however, invoke it in 2025, though his subsequent remarks muddied the waters, and legal challenges have paused its immediate effect as of now, March 23, 2025.

Invocation of the Alien Enemies Act Regarding the Invasion of The United States by Tren De Aragua

The White House

March 15, 2025




Geopolitical/Police State





HUGE: Barack Obama Was Using USAID to Pretend to Send ‘Aid’ Overseas But Was Laundering It to Train “Rent-a-Riots” Instead

     Mike Benz shared how Barack Obama was using money to USAID to pretend to send “aid” overseas. In actuality, Obama was laundering the taxpayer dollars and using it to train “rent-a-mobs” instead!

    From the video, via Wall Street Apes:

Mike Benz on Joe Rogan: “This was a scandal during the Obama USAID era. We were running a number of rogue USAID operations in Cuba at the time. — I’m simply showing the American people where your tax dollars are going and how these things are structured in order to systematically fool you and to fool Congress and to fool the White House:

— USAID pumped $1.2 billion in, and we sponsored these activist groups and these civil society organizations to learn how to use Facebook, learn how to use Twitter, lose, learn how to use hashtags, learn how to coordinate street protests so that everyone knows where to go, what street to show up on, what kind of slogans to know, to use in order to create the pro-democracy predicate for it.”

He talks about how Obama funded a Twitter clone that would be used to push propaganda in Cuba to inspire these protests and overthrow the government (Mike Benz explains how Barack Obama overthrew many governments)

“So what they did is they took the exact same thing as Twitter, same user interface, same like, and retweet button Zunzuneo is, is the Cuban slang word for hummingbird. So just, it means it’s it’s bird, it was the Twitter bird, the whole thing. But the whole trick about it was you have to make it look like it’s coming from the Cubans if you’re going to do this operation. They started running this in 2010 which right during the Arab Spring.

They were using USAID funds that were designated to Pakistan.


    And it goes back to Barack Obama.

Source: thegatewaypundit.com


  is in Africa, and not just USAID, but other NGOs They are coming in claiming that they’re introducing grassroots initiatives that are going to help the people, and so they use that as a way to go into the most remote parts of Africa. When you look at it on paper, it all looks really good, but they’re actually wolf in sheep’s clothing.” “The American taxpayer needs to know the billions of dollars that are being given to USAID. A fraction is making it to the people” “They’re using that open access sounding humanitarian to constantly destabilize governments. I can tell you right now, the majority of African leaders, and not just African leaders, but leaders in the developing world are celebrating the exit of USAID. If you think about it, their sole purpose, for example, filling in the gaps in healthcare and education, where is the change? Show me one country that USAID was in and education improved. Show me what country where USAID was in and healthcare improved?” They laundered our money.





  as Elon Musk is moving, the lobbyist will stop DOGE “Everyone says, do you have to do it so fast? Like I said, I’ve only been in this business for 7 weeks. I’ve only been in DC for 8 weeks. The thing I can tell you is if you don’t move fast, the vested interest will weigh you down — Everybody’s got lobbyists, I mean think about it, within a 10 mile radius of here, 25% of the GDP of the US pulsates through here every day. And everybody wants to just skim a little.” “I said to Elon, people are mad at you because you’re moving their cheese. It’s not their cheese, it’s the American people’s cheese. 100%. Every dollar spent goes into someone’s pocket and that person’s going to fight tooth and nail to get that dollar to keep flowing into their pockets” “There is no winning in Elon’s role. Every single time he takes action, there are people that are going to come after him”


Sorry Democrats: No One Was Denied Entry into the U.S. for Insulting President Trump 

    Europeans and Canadians are all over Twitter, claiming they’re changing their travel plans because it’s supposedly not safe to visit the U.S.
    But the truth is, nothing has changed when it comes to safety. As long as they enter the country legally and don’t violate the terms of their visas or residency permits, they’ll be just fine.
    The other groundless narrative the media are pushing is that visitors to the U.S. are being detained at the border simply for criticizing President Trump. The claim is that anti-Trump messaging was found on people’s phones. However, if you enter the U.S. legally, through a proper border crossing with valid documents, authorities do not look through your phone—and of course, it’s perfectly legal to insult Trump; the media do it every day.

      It turns out the individuals making these claims had all broken the law. That’s why their phones were searched, and they were ultimately barred from entry—either for violating secrecy laws or for supporting Hamas terrorism.
    One of the most widely cited cases happened in February 2024, when a French nuclear physicist was denied entry to the United States at Houston’s George Bush Intercontinental Airport. Media outlets in Europe immediately jumped on the story, claiming he was turned away for having text messages on his phone that criticized President Trump. That narrative was quickly amplified to suggest that dissenting political opinions are grounds for detention at the U.S. border.
    But the actual facts tell a different story.
    According to U.S. authorities, the man was carrying confidential research materials tied to Los Alamos National Laboratory—an apparent violation of a non-disclosure agreement. That’s a legal issue, not a free speech issue. While U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) does have the legal authority to search phones at the border under what’s known as the “border search exception,” they don’t do it at random.
    Most travelers, including myself, have crossed the border many times without ever having a phone inspected. Agents typically only look into devices when something raises a red flag—like visa irregularities, suspicious behavior, or national security concerns.
    In this case, the phone was searched because of a potential breach of national security—not because of someone insulting the president. The claim that he was targeted for criticizing Trump is not backed by any evidence—no screenshots have been released, and the U.S. explanation is entirely consistent with the law. It seems more likely that France attempted to politicize the incident to deflect from the fact that one of their own violated sensitive research protocols.
    A second case emerged in March 2025, involving Badar Khan Suri, an Indian national and postdoctoral fellow at Georgetown University. Suri was arrested by DHS agents at his home in Virginia and detained by ICE after the Trump administration alleged he was spreading Hamas propaganda and promoting antisemitism on social media.
    According to the Department of Homeland Security, he had close ties to a senior adviser to Hamas—a designated terrorist organization under U.S. law—which rendered him deportable.
    Despite Georgetown’s claims that he was just a peaceful academic studying conflict resolution, the federal government cited serious national security concerns. His wife, a U.S. citizen with strong ties to Gaza, was also reportedly active in Palestinian media circles. Again, the story being pushed in the media is one of a peaceful scholar unfairly targeted. But when you look at the facts, this was a matter of immigration law and potential terror-related affiliations—not political persecution.



Jessica D. Aber US Attorney Found Dead Involved in Russia/Ukraine Case 

     . She was the pawn in the White House’s novel attempt to prosecute Russians for alleged war crimes in Ukraine when there was no jurisdiction whatsoever. This was a political prosecution by the Neocons for more hatred of Russians. Assuming that there was a crime, then that was something that should have been prosecuted at the Hague. Why did Jessica D. Aber of the Eastern Direct of Virginia bring this prosecution announced by the White House and Garland?
    So now, does Virginia have the jurisdiction to prosecute crimes worldwide? That violates the Sixth Amendment, which prohibited the practice of the king charging you with a crime in America but transporting you to London to stand trial, where you could never call any witnesses. This is what they were doing. It was AN OUTRIGHT violation of our Constitution and International Law.
    Is this a neocon-staged suicide? She was only 43. Who knows. Will we ever know the truth? Probably not.

Source: armstrongeconomics.com


  The latest is the electrical fire that shut down Heathrow Airport for 24 hours. There are openly speculating that this was an act of war by Putin. So, I supposed that justifies World War III and nuking Moscow.  


False Flags







      pro-Palestinian protests, 31% had attended over 20. For more insight into what data we also look at in addition to GPS location data would be demographic and psychographic data using over 6,000 different databases, i.e., like the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Pew Research Center, market research firms like YouGov, Experian, specialized tools like ESRI’s Tapestry Segmentation, consumer surveys, social media platforms like