This episode we're going to be having a little bit of a catchup to let you all know what’s been going on here at KOFY HQ, and we’ll be sharing our favourite spooky adventures with our beloved rust-bucket – the KOFYmobile - as we prepare to bid farewell to our trusty adventure van.
We’ve got Stories from Ted, Leigh and Kat
And, following on from a really interesting and fun post in our facebook group – we’re bringing you a new game – cos you all know how much we love a good cheesy game – Paranormal Bingo!
Episode 78 - Shownotes
Intro & Farewell to the KOFYmobile: 00:00:00
Ted's Story: 00:48:19
Leigh's Story: 00:58:48
Kat's Story: 01:09:05
Paranormal Bingo: 01:17:30