#azores #islands #saint
In the first story we learn about a bird that helps the holy mother. In the second we learn about a loud mouth bird that gets cursed. In the third we learn why St Peter's mom stands just outside of heaven. And in the final story, we learn about a woman who is turned into an owl.
Source: The Islands of Magic: Legends, Folk and Fairy Tales from the Azores
Narrator: Dustin Steichmann
Music: Martín Codax "Mandad'ei comigo". Sephardica & Emilio Villalba
Sound Effects: Breeze and Airplane by Dustin Steichmann; XC169613 - White Wagtail - Motacilla alba subpersonata; XC820672 - Common Quail - Coturnix coturnix conturbans; XC200789 - Little Owl - Athene noctua noctua. All via Xeno-canto.org
Podcast Shoutout: Bunny Trails. Welcome to our whimsical adventure of idioms and other turns of phrase. Each week, we delve into the origins of phrases to find out how they came into the English language. We tell the story of the phrase from its beginnings to where it is today. Shauna and Dan are two big nerds, so expect some geek culture references, random trivia facts, and loads of laughs.
Listener Shoutout: Gondar, Ethiopia
Photo Credit:"White Wagtail" by Roberto Martini photography is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.