EP 270: Türkiye- The Forty Princes and The Seven Headed Dragon (Kunos)
06 February 2025

EP 270: Türkiye- The Forty Princes and The Seven Headed Dragon (Kunos)

Sandman Stories Presents


#Turkey #folktales

In this story, there are forty brothers. They want forty brides from the same mother. It's a pretty tall task, especially when the brothers keep ignoring their dad's advice.

Source: ⁠Forty-four Turkish fairy tales by Kunos, ignacz⁠

Narrator: Dustin Steichmann

Music: Ali Şahin - Muhteşem Bir Bozlak | Dinlemeden Gecme

Sound Effects: wind and trees and snow.WAV by tim.kahn -- https://freesound.org/s/253899/ -- License: Attribution NonCommercial 4.0, Calm Place: Birds Singing at Beytepe Campus Ankara,Turkey by erinculusoy -- https://freesound.org/s/562972/ -- License: Attribution 3.0

Podcast Shoutout: Campfire Classics

Listener Shoutout: La Paz, Bolivia

Pay suma ukat aski arumakipana Thank you and good night