What're You Reading ft Morgan Herron (Frankie: Boy Monster)
28 November 2024

What're You Reading ft Morgan Herron (Frankie: Boy Monster)

Comic Book Keepers


It may be Thanksgiving, but we're still feeling the Halloween spirit!  Young comic creator phenom Morgan B Herron joins Lance to discuss Frankie: Boy Monster as well as what comics we've both been reading lately. Enjoy!

Frankie: Boy Monster is a fantastic comic for all ages. You can snag your copy HERE -->> https://cosmiclionproductions.com/comix-shop-1/ols/products/frankie-boy-monster-preorder

You can also snag Sewer Boyz HERE --> https://erwinpapa.storenvy.com/products/36631055-sewer-boyz 

You have a super-power, too! You can write a REVIEW! A five star review on Apple Podcasts goes a long way and helps get the word out. Leave a comment so we can say thanks! We read EVERY one!  

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Comic Book Keepers is hosted by the Geekly Grind. Check out reviews and discussion on everything Geeky from Anime, Manga, Boardgames, comics, and more. www.thegeeklygrind.comsdThe Geekly Grind @thegeeklygrind

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Chris @dungeonheads
Lance @roguesymbiote

Chris's draws free D&D art which you can find and support him on Patreon, and see more of his art on Instagram

Original Theme by Weston Gardner @ArcaneAnthems on Patreon