In this episode we are honored to be joined by Lowell Ganz who, with his partner at the time Mark Rothman, wrote more episodes of The Odd Couple than anyone else - 12. They were also on the writing staff for S3-S5 so they have a hand in all episodes for those seasons.
In this first of a two-part interview we discuss Mr. Ganz's background and the incredible story of how he got his first job in showbiz which was on The Odd Couple; a week in the life of The OC writing staff and how an episode went from script to film; and go into detail on each of his 12 episodes which are:
- The Ides Of April
- The Hustler
- My Strife In Court
- Gloria Moves In
- The New Car
- Barnacle Adventure
- Cleanliness Is Next To Impossible
- The Flying Felix
- Shuffling Off To Buffalo
- The Odd Candidate
- The Subway Story
- Two On The Aisle
Please note that at one point there was a Wifi outage which forced the interview to move from Zoom Video to phone and you may hear the quality of Mr. Ganz's audio change a bit.