Heard of Clean To Earn? Your NFT Prisoner Remains
26 October 2022

Heard of Clean To Earn? Your NFT Prisoner Remains

Tokel Talk NFT Podcast


 Immerse yourself into strange new worlds created just for you. Let the artists take you into a journey of self-discovery and the community to a place of content.

LA artist Pondo, past Creative Director for Pixar, Anthony and storyteller and published author Vasil, join Ejuliano and Kelcie for a fascinating episode of Tokel Talk.

You learn about Clean To Earn NFT programs and a world where language is a virus and stories are contagious.

🎤 Pondo (MidnightCityNFT)
🎤 Vasil Tuchkov (It Remains) 
🎤 Anthony Christov (It Remains) 
🎤 Kelcie (Tokel)

Host: Ejuliano
Marketing & Post-production: +dreamTim
