EP 11: NEW YEAR, BETTER ME! How to make and keep New Year's Resolution through Tiny Habits with Behavioral Designer and Tiny Habits Coaches Tj, Claire and Jaime.
22 January 2023

EP 11: NEW YEAR, BETTER ME! How to make and keep New Year's Resolution through Tiny Habits with Behavioral Designer and Tiny Habits Coaches Tj, Claire and Jaime.



How do we make our New Year’s Resolutions stick? Tin Talks to not one but three Tiny Habits Coaches and a Behavioral Designer on this first episode for 2023!

TJ talks about the scientific and data-proven impact of Tiny Habits applied not only in your personal life but in organizations as well.  TJ is trained by the Father of Behavioral Design, Dr. BJ Fogg and continues to work closely with him.

Jaime talks about the ABC of Tiny Habits. Anchor, Behavior and Celebration and shares insights on how to hijack procrastination in reaching and sustaining your goals.

Claire talks about simplifying the concept of Tiny Habits, breaking down the concrete steps, failing fast and adjusting what works for you and understanding how small changes can help you become a better version of you.

Wanna be a better version of you this year? Let this episode help you!